Young Scholar Registration

Note: You are creating an account for MPS 2018. Once you register, you can save the progress and sign in later to continue editing.

Registration Fees (in Euros)

  Regular Rate
(6/1/18 to 8/31/18)
MPS Member €1,266.36 (approx. US$1,466.88)
MPS Member's Accompanying Partner €1,266.36 (approx. US$1,466.88)
Approved Guest €1,646.26 (approx. US$1,906.94)
Accompanying Partner of Guest €1,646.26 (approx. US$1,906.94)
Young Scholar* €1,055.30 (approx. US$1,222.40)

*All individuals 36 years old or younger are eligible as a Young Scholar, either member or guest.

To register with the Young Scholar Rate   Click here

Refund Policy: If cancellation is received on or before June 30, 2018, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. Thereafter, there is no refund of registration fee.

Last date to make your payment: September 20

Personal Information

*Required fields.