Pacific Academy for Advanced Studies Stipends

Young Scholars!  The Pacific Academy for Advanced Studies has received a grant from the Bradley Foundation to provide stipends to young faculty at North American colleges and universities to offset some of the travel and other costs of attending the General Meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society in Canary Islands, September 30 to October 6, 2018.  Each approved recipient will receive up to $2000 after the conclusion of this year’s meeting.

If you have an interest in attending the meeting this year, please send an email to:

Jerry L. Jordan, President of the Pacific Academy for Advanced Studies, at

Please indicate whether you have already registered, plan to do so, or would plan to attend if you are approved to receive a stipend.  If you have not previously attended a meeting, and want to learn more about the mission of MPS, or details about the 2018 meeting, please visit the MPS website: