Dr. Roberta Q. Herzberg
Dr. Roberta Q. Herzberg is a Distinguished Senior Fellow in the F.A. Hayek Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and previously held faculty and administrative positions at Utah State University, Indiana University, Bloomington, and the John Templeton Foundation. Her research and teaching focus on political economy, public choice, and U.S. health care policy and she has been an active participant in State-level policy processes. She is a past president of the Public Choice Society (2014-2016) and a current board member of several professional associations. Interested in the debate on liberty and the role of government in individuals’ lives, Dr. Herzberg regularly leads seminars and lectures on public policy, public choice, the Bloomington School, the contributions of F.A. Hayek, and the sustainability of government entitlement policies.