Martin Krause

Martin Krause has a PhD in Management Sciences from Universidad Católica de La Plata, Argentina, where he graduated in 1978. Since then he has been involved mainly in academic and consulting activities related to economics.

In 1998 he was appointed as a Chair Professor of Economics at the Law School, University of Buenos Aires, the largest university in the country, where he is also a professor at the School of Economics. He teaches Political Economy at the first, and History of Economic Thought at the second.

He is a Visiting Professor at Universidad Francisco Marroquin in Guatemala, and at OMMA-Ayau, an online program offering graduate courses based in Madrid, Spain. A member of the Mont Pelerin Society, he is also an Adjunct Scholar with the Cato Institute from Washington, D.C.; and a member of the Academic Council of Fundación Libertad y Progreso, a think tank in Buenos Aires.

He has been awarded with several prizes and fellowships such as the Law & Economics Prize from Buenos Aires Academy of Science (2007), Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships ( in 1993 and the Freedom Project from the John Templeton Foundation in 1999 and 2000.

He has published several books on economics, institutional economics and law & economics.: El Foro y el Bazar (UFM, 2014); Economía, Instituciones y Políticas Públicas (La Ley, 2011), Elementos de Economía Política (La Ley, 2007, together with Adrián Ravier y Gabriel Zanotti), Por el Ojo de una Aguja; Ética, negocios y dinero en el mundo de hoy, Análisis Económico del Derecho: Aplicación a Fallos Judiciales, Economía para emprendedores, El cuento de la Economía, En Defensa de los Más Necesitados y Proyectos por una Sociedad Abierta (together with Alberto Benegas Lynch Jr and Democracia Directa (together with Margarita Molteni), chapters in books and many articles in academic journals and magazines and newspapers all over Latin America.